Friday, September 17, 2010

Sleep Training Revisited

Just when things were going so smooth, Josh has decided standing in his crib is all he wants to do. Aye yi yi! This kid. I guess they are supposed to grow and change and present us with challenges. I probably wouldn't be a good mother to try to prevent this progress...right?

Last week I found him standing in his Pack N Play. He was upset becuase he was up and didn't know what to do from there. I also found him standing in his crib once. But there hadn't been anything since then. Tuesday he was crying upset during nap time and I found him standing in his crib again. I laid him down and we didn't have another problem. Wednesday at the grandparents' there were reports of him standing at the end of nap time. At this point I knew he knew this was a good trick and figured I could count on it becoming an issue. Thursday had more challenges and he essentially didn't take his second nap.

Today seemed to be a big challenge for him again. He stubbornly wants to do nothing but stand ALL DAY. He didn't sleep but maybe half an hour. I was shocked at what a good mood he was in this evening considering his delirious sleep deprivation.

So, we're going to try some tricks this weekend and try to teach him that standing is not allowed to get in the way of nap time. We've put a couple toys in his bed to give him something to focus on should he wake. And my friend Andrea gave me some tips of how to deal with him directly when he defiantly stands.

Crossing my fingers and my toes...

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