Monday, October 26, 2009

Here We Go!

We had a doctor appointment this morning with an ultrasound and exam.

I'm a little over one centimeter dilated and about 30% effaced. My amniotic fluid has dropped quite a bit (5), the placenta is showing it's getting old (calcification) and Josh is still looking pretty long and about 8.5 pounds (plus or minus a one pound margin of error). He has turned and is now facing the right direction.

The doctor scheduled us for induction tonight at 8pm. If she induces now, there is greater likelihood that I can deliver vaginally than if we were to wait much longer. She stripped my membranes which could start some contractions even during the day today. The expectation is that he will be born sometime tomorrow afternoon (or earlier).

It's nice to have a game plan to look at now. The unknown was driving both Jim and me crazy! He's working in the office a little bit today and then will come home. I'm just trying to clean up a little bit at the house and then take it easy. Doc told us to eat a big non-greasy, non-spicy meal around 5-6pm. Hmmm...what do I want?

It's really exciting to thinking about what is to come. I had lots of weird dreams last night about the baby being born and it actually made me feel closer to motherhood than I have this entire time. (Never mind that my newly born baby was already walking and talking - we'll just ignore the weird dream elements.)

1 comment:

Elizabeth B said...

Good luck, Shawnie!!! I'm thinking about you and praying for everything to come. Love you lots, dear friend!!

BTW - when you have time (which may not be for awhile) can you explain what a calcified placenta is? I've never heard of such a thing!