Sunday, October 11, 2009

Being Off Work

So it’s been two weeks since I’ve left work. What have I been doing with myself?

The first three weekdays I was pretty much a bum. I slept and watched TV. The best thing I have to report is that I did work out every day. I started going to my mom’s Jazzercise Light classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. It’s a pretty good fit. Sometimes it gets a little too fast, so I gotta slow it down for me, and I can’t do all of the bending over moves. But it has felt great to get my body moving again. I’ve also walked and done yoga. Wednesday I had a wonderful pregnancy massage. Aaaaahhhhh.....

Thursday I started to come out of the fog and get some motivation. My mom came over and helped me get some nursery organization done. We washed a whole bunch of baby clothes, bedding and other stuff. And Friday we had our doctor appointment.

The second week really was quite busy. I reorganized the kitchen pantry to make room for the bottles and formulas etc. Melanie came over and helped me think a lot of things through. I'm such a planner, that the unknown is kind of freaking me out. I just want to know scenarios and be prepared for them. It's kinda funny because I do think I am pretty darn flexible, but I just like to be prepared. I also spent the week having lunch with people, getting my hair done and doing other house stuff.

Thursday the 8th, Jim's work threw a shower for us. It was really nice and we got several of the big items that we were getting a little worried about having. Friday we went to Babies R Us and tried to get everything else we needed. There are still a few items that we need, but I don't think any are really urgent, so we'll tackle those as we need.

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