Monday, August 3, 2009



Have you heard of it?
It's a hormone during pregnancy. It's supposed to loosen your joints so you can squeeze a watermelon out of a straw.

It's a blessing and a curse.

For one, it has given me carpel tunnel syndrome and made the fingers of my right hand numb - constantly.

But the worst of this relaxin stuff was evident these last couple days.

Sunday night we were saying goodbye to some people from our small group as they left our house. Jim was hyped up and gave me a quick, side-armed hug. Holy COW!!! I immediately started coughing as I felt my lungs constrict. I was kind of sore the rest of the evening and aware of the pain as I shifted in my sleep.

So today I went to the chiropractor and learned three of my ribs were dislocated. UGH! The chiro says the relaxin makes things pop out easily but the good news is that he can move it back easily. My ribs have been killing me all day ever since he "fixed" me. Chiro says I have to tell Jim that everything has to be bilateral now - if he kisses me on one side, he has to kiss me on the other side.

Does that mean if he breaks my ribs on one side he has to break them on the other...?

1 comment:

Elizabeth B said...

Squeeze a watermelon out of a straw - a visual I probably didn't need, but thanks!