Monday, March 21, 2011

Hurricane Wedding

Sunday was wet. A wet day. Wet wet wet.

Oh, and WINDY! And cold too. And wet.

We had a friend's wedding to go to. On the beach. I have never been to a beach wedding in California and I was really looking forward to it. I had debated for a little while if we should bring Josh, but finally decided we would be better off leaving him behind.

As the rainy day in the forecast drew nearer, we wondered what was going to happen to this wedding. We we ready for an adventure and to just go with the flow. I packed a bag of contingencies: hats, scarves, gloves, umbrellas, different jackets for different conditions, and socks to help warm my feet on the drive from the wedding to the reception site.

We arrived at the beach and didn't see anything setup for a wedding. As we approached the parking attendent, I heard her explaining to the car in front of us that the wedding was moved to the reception site. Ahhh, I was quite relieved. As much as I want to go to a beach wedding, conditions were not of a pleasant nature and I would have frozen my Bippie!!!

The reception was at a beautiful house in Huntington Harbor. Everything that had been setup for the reception had to be taken down and the chairs that had attempted to be set up on the beach were brought into the living room. Let's just say it was cozy.

It's amazing how much easier it is to befriend strangers when you're rubbing elbows and practically sitting on top of each other. Everyone just had to go with the flow and it made it pretty fun. There were a lot of friendly people in attendence.

The wedding was really nice and the food was really good. The wind was whipping pretty wild and most people stayed crowded in the house. It felt like a hurricane party to me. Not that I've ever been to one. But this was pretty much how I would picture one.

On a side note, the kitchen of this house was beautiful. BEAUTIFUL! Dear Santa, for Christmas I want that kitchen. I've been a good girl. Thank you.

1 comment:

Elizabeth B said...

If Santa brings you the kitchen, can I come over and play?