Friday, October 29, 2010

One Year Check Up Stats

Josh had his one year doctor appointment and here are the main points:

Weight: 22 pounds, 14 ounces
Length: 29 inches

Bottom molars appear to be coming in as there is some swelling.

I was enlightened about something that seems so obvious now. At Josh's last appointment, 3 months ago, his measured length was 28 inches. For Josh's birthday we bought a measuring stick to hang on our wall and wanted to christen it on Josh's actual birthday. So we measured him at 28 and 1/8 inches. Seemed really strange that he would only grow 1/8 inch in three months. We even measured twice to be sure.

So when the doctor measured him at 29 inches, I learned the difference in concept of "length" versus "height". Duh.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Well, then, what is the difference between length and height? How about more details for the engineers out here?