Friday, October 1, 2010

A (Mostly) Finished Wall - Painting Day Five

Paint! Paint! We have PAINT!

Seriously. Not just primer.

Josh's new wall is done for the most part. The stucco below still needs to be painted - but the new siding and the trim are all done. It's so exciting!!!

This is the Wooden Peg color which is darker than the rest of the house will be.

All the windows that were sanded yesterday have now been primed.

More progress was made on the porch railing. I was surprised and a little disappointed that this wasn't further along, but I will try to be patient. I shall try...

They did, however, get all the ribs cut. So they are ready to go and I bet once the final piece of the frame is up, the rest will just fly into place.

The garage got some primer today too.

More garage. And the bushes Jim cut way back to make room for the painters.

This is behind the garage and the wall that backs up to the apartment complex behind us.

This has been our pit ever since we moved in. We've essentially neglected it and grown increasingly afraid of what we might find. In the foreground was a grapefruit tree which we decimated. All the way in the back is an orange tree that Jim cut back but decided to give the fruit a little taste to see if it was worth keeping. To our surprise and delight, the oranges were super-duper tasty! We told the painters they could help themselves to the tree and that they did. There's not a ripe one left. But we're happy to know that we'll have good fruit on that tree - despite our neglect.

It's the weekend and the painters will be back on Monday. They did a nice job of really cleaning up after themselves for the weekend. Armando suspects they will be done on Thursday.

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