Saturday, July 26, 2008


I spent several hours this afternoon at the hospital with one of my dearest girlfriends. She was admitted to the hospital after going to the emergency room. It's been a rough day but it looks like she is going to be okay.

I really wished I had a pad of paper with me today because the things one says while under the influence of drugs can just be comical. Here are two of my favorites:

When the doctor came in to give a big update, he asked if she had anymore questions. She turns her head to me and says: "Do I have any more questions?" And this just cracked me up mostly for the phrasing.

She also was not allowed to consume anything by mouth - no water, no ice chips - nothing! Her mouth was getting parched and she cries: "I wish I could have some water - the Nazis!"

I just love her!

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