Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cuteness (in General)

It's time to just share some photos.

I am continuing the tradition of taking monthly baby pictures in the glider chair next to the bear we got from FAO Schwartz.  Below are the two month shots which are already too old.  It won't be long before I take Emily's 3-month pictures.  Craziness!!

I know these shots are similar, but I simply couldn't pick which one to share.  They're both so cute!  Emily's smile is just delicious!

Please notice her hair that is sticking up.  She was born with it and I love it.  It won't be there for ever, so we must appreciate it now.  Take a moment if you will...

One more moment.  Go ahead .

Josh is so in love with his little sister.  He asks to hold her a lot.  Emily lights up when she sees him.

Yesterday was supposed to be a rainy day, although the rain didn't arrive until about 10pm.  But it was dreary and cloudy all day which felt like a perfect time to teach Josh how to make oatmeal cookies.  He loved it.

Well, one part in particular.

Every time we added an ingredient he would say "Now eat some?"

Good boy!


Aunt Su-Su said...

Love love love that cute little girl with the "Peanut" hair.

Grannie B said...

Looooove seeing those photos!!! Thanks for keeping up with all this so we can share in your joy.