Wednesday, February 1, 2012

39 Week Appointment

At our 38 week appointment last week I learned that I was 1 cm dilated. This was very exciting to me. Since then I've been getting increasingly uncomfortable and things have been happening which made me believe things were progressing. At the 39 week appointment yesterday I was hoping to hear 3 cm, but would be happy with 2 cm.

My doc checked and kind of questioningly said "nothing?" When I reminded her that last week I was 1, she checked more and said "barely 1".

Complete disappointment.

My cervix is still high and thick and no effacement. The baby has not started to descend into the birth canal. She decided to do an ultrasound to check on things too. Thankfully everything looks fine, so there are no concerns. Things just are not happening.

I asked if there was anything that could be done to nudge my body and she just said squats, sex or Castor oil. Blech! She was willing to induce me if I really wanted it, but since I have always had issue with people being induced by choice prior to the due date, I declined and we'll just wait another week and hope things get going.

So I was pretty blue most of the day. Mostly because for all the discomfort over the past week, it has been for nothing. But also because I really do not want to be induced. I want to experience that normal labor process.

So Jim declared that we would be walking every day. As soon as he got home from work, we put Josh in the wagon and headed out. It actually felt really good. However, just minutes after returning I went into a huge coughing fit. I still have some lingering symptoms from my cold (I believe made worse by increased mucous from pregnancy). It got so bad that I actually started throwing up. Lovely. But in the back of my mind I'm hoping this will trigger something!

I'm trying to just accept the fact that I'll being seeing my doctor at a normal appointment next Monday (my actual due date) and we'll talk about induction at that time if necessary.


ABridgman said...

Luke liked his living quarters too:( I will be praying for you a whole lot today as I have been. Do something 'selfish' today just for you. These next few months are going to be hard so take an extra nap, eat something delicious, whatever it is that might make you feel better for an it cuz you deserve!
Love you friend!

The Mom said...

Yikes - since I didn't get to hear all of your discussion with your Dad it was nice to read things here, but sorry it got so bad for you last night. Eeeewwww!!!

I had been great fun to see more postings on this now that you have time to write things. You know how much your Dad and I appreciate and admire what you do here. Yea!!!!!

Susan said...

I'm sorry my two "old wives' tale" suggestions have not produced the end result desired! Hang in there sweet pea. I think I nice new piece of jewelry might make you feel better.