Monday, November 14, 2011

The Waiting Room

I must have a comfy waiting room. You know, a place where one can put their feet up and just relax...letting the worries of the world just wash away. One might have a brandy. Another might have a little scoop of ice cream. Whatever makes you comfy.

Unfortunately it is at the expense of my comfort.

Joshua found this plush waiting area first. He spent the final months before his arrival in the waiting room, making last minute touches on his cute little face. Getting every last hair in the right spot, placing some darling birth marks, and affixing that one little dimple in his cheek.

During this time I became very aware of my ribs.

This waiting room must also be very sturdy. It's great to use as leverage when trying to get out of a jam. Joshua wedged his foot into this support with all his might in his eagerness to meet the world.

My ribs have never been the same. I have been adjusted by the chiropractor so many times, and the ribs keep slipping.

Emily was given the key to the waiting room today. Josh must have told her where it was. She knocked on the door around 11am today, settled right in and shows no signs of leaving.

I feel a bruise coming on.

But I'm happy to know that she, just as her brother before her, is attending to those last few details. Is she curling her hair? Will she choose one or two dimples? Maybe she's trying out a crooked little smile.

Only time will tell.

(Hang in there ribs, we'll get back in the right spot someday)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

What an awesome writer you are!