Friday, December 10, 2010

2010 Reflections


Approaching the close of a year tends to bring about reflection for a lot of people. I don’t know that I have done much of that historically or perhaps not very deeply. But this year I am definitely reflecting all that the year has held, not only for me but for people I know.

Earlier this year I was looking at the verse (James 1:2-4) I have posted at the bottom of my blog. I posted it when I was in the midst of fertility and health hurdles and feeling pretty low. I was so happy and blessed with the birth of our son that I considered removing the scripture or finding another one that I felt more applicable. I don’t remember why I didn’t remove it at that time, but it has come to be important again. Not just for me, but for others and the trials they are facing.

A friend of mine has been dealing with her own struggles with infertility and it breaks my heart. She has had other ingredients added to her life situation that she has come to really despise 2010. We both have high hopes that 2011 is a better year for her.

Several acquaintances have been battling cancer. One of them is not facing the best outlook. It’s scary to think about the path he might be on.

Other friends and family have just had various relationship and health concerns that have made 2010 a pivotal year for them.

The community of Facebook also exposes me to various trials and tribulations of people, some which I have never met, as prayers are requested through the network.

Personally, I have had my share of emotional struggles in 2010. Not one is devastating by itself, but I feel the compilation of them all overwhelms me at times. Balancing work with home has been difficult. I have lost a friendship that was very significant. My physical health has had its ups and downs.

But as the verse encourages, I will try to find the joy in these times as I know that God is refining me (and you).

Only God knows what 2011 holds, but I know that I trust God in his plans. I can hope (and pray) for a great year filled with new opportunities. I’m ready for significant change and look forward to what God presents me with. I pray that others are ready to receive His blessings.

1 comment:

Elizabeth B said...

Catching up on your blog. And yes, I have high hopes for 2011! :-)