Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mix Up at the Airport?

I'm not sure when it happened or how, but somehow we mixed up our child with someone else's at the airport. Whoever this kid is, he is not the same one we took with us to the Midwest. I don't think it's even the same kid we left Chicago with. We've barely been home for 24 hours and this kid has already given us so much "new". And this doesn't even count any of the "new" that was discovered while traveling (which I hope to get into when I share more about our trip specifically).

Here is what this "new" kid has presented us with:
  • When placed in the crawling position, he sits himself up on his bum
  • Got his first timeout for being purposely defiant
  • During his timeout, he pulled himself to standing in his crib (the mattress was immediately lowered)
  • Is finally tipping his head back far enough to drink from his sippy cup on his own

I knew this trip was gonna be huge for this kid, but is this still our kid? Our flight home was packed with kids, so it could have been a mix up far too easily.

He still lets me love on him, so I guess it must be alright.

1 comment:

Elizabeth B said...

I can't wait to hear the timeout story!