Sunday, February 28, 2010

4 Month Progress Report

Our baby boy Joshua turned four months old Saturday. I know everyone says it, but time really does fly.

Our latest big achievement was that he rolled over Friday night. I kept expecting him to roll from his back to his tummy but I just couldn't figure out how he would physically get his body to do it. Then I read that they typically roll tummy to back first. Well, lo and behold, that's exactly what he did.

He's been getting stronger on his tummy and lifting himself up higher and higher. This time he stuck his left arm out trying to reach for a toy and as he strained, he flipped to the left. I was so shocked and proud!! I set him back on his tummy and this time he rolled to the right. I called to Jim in time for him to see this second roll. Then we pulled out the video camera and in typical Josh fashion, he wouldn't do it again.

"Hi. This is my friend.
I will call him George."

I have recently found a clip on YouTube of Elmo. I think it is such a cute song and I'm not sure who enjoys watching it more, me or Joshua. But I'm starting to get in the habit of showing him the clip before his bedtime story.

I also found one of Andrea Bocelli singing Elmo to sleep. I may be adding that one to my frequently played list.

This past week Joshua has really started sticking out his tongue again. Like the babbling, he used to do it but then stopped. It has come back with great fervor and skill.

I learned yesterday that my dad has been purposely trying to teach him to do this.

It's working.

Isn't he so danged cute?!

Joshua is also really starting to become aware of our cats. He watches them walk around and will just stare.

Here he was watching Bailey walk by.

Then Bailey plopped down for some camera posing too.

1 comment:

Craig said...

Cute pictures. Cute kid. And I am not at all biased.