Thursday, February 5, 2009

Shawn vs...

Shawn vs. Sean vs. Shaun vs. Shone vs. Chone

These are all the various spellings I am aware of for my name. I was going to type it phonetically, but I could only come up with typing it the same way I spell my name, so why be repetitive? After all, my name is spelled the most correct and logical way.

The are very strong opinions out there for which are the girls' spelling and which are the boys' spelling. At this point it really doesn't matter. With the crazy kakamaymee way people spell even the simplest of names, the boy/girl debate seems almost pointless. How many people can you think of with each of the spellings above? How many are girls? How many are boys? Are there other spellings?

P.S. I KNOW it's "cockamamie," but don't ya see the irony?


Anonymous said...

A friend's 4 year old son is in preschool with a Shan -- pronounces it the same way. New one to me.

ABridgman said...

Personally my favorite is Shawna.....all together wrong:)