Monday, March 16, 2009


Many months ago, Jim's work had a game night. People brought in their different gaming consoles. I got to play Wii for the first time and was introduced to Guitar Hero. While I sucked at Guitar Hero, I fell in love with it. Jim tried to talk me into getting the game, but I knew I would never leave this house if we did. But I have been anxious to play again to see if I could really improve.

Fast forward to about three weeks ago. Jim and I went to Colorado to visit Darcy's family. They had Playstation (I think) and had the full Rock Band version complete with two guitars, a drum set and a microphone. It was so fun to play alongside Jim.

I was hooked. I had to have Guitar Hero.

So we debated about whether to get Playstation, X-Box, or Wii. Jim likes playing war-type games, but has learned he really prefers to play them on the computer. We borrowed his co-worker's Wii system and got familiar with how it works and I got to ROCK IT on Guitar Hero!! Yah, Baby!!

So we decided to get the family-friendly Wii last weekend.

We'll have to save our pennies before we can get any guitar hero type of stuff. And I hope to get the Wii Fit early next year.

Setting up our Mii's was a riot and as we toured around the games, there is one called "Charge" that I just loved and made me laugh so hard.

So if our phone goes unanswered, it may be because we've been sucked into the gaming world.